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Training in and for your own organization

If you want to hold an In-house training, we have several years of experience with developing the skills of employees.

We design the course so that it covers your needs, supports your strategy and your business challenges.

The internal courses can be held at your location or here in our training facility, if you want to be somewhat shielded from everyday distractions.

The internal courses can be held in your own company, or with us at Storm - Houseof Six Sigma if you want to be a bit shielded from everyday disturbances.

You can among other choose between Storm's Six Sigma education programs and all the single course days when compiling your course. Throughout the years we have made many custom-designed courses, composed of context, creativity and competencies. Do not hesitate to contact us - we design the process with you.

What do our customers say?

Else PedersenBisca has worked closely together with Storm both in relation to Six Sigma and belts in all colors and in a large systematic effort to use acquired skills in practice. The latter has resulted in improvements in the millions. Storm has managed in the most exemplary way to adapt, challenge and raise the skills of employees at all levels. The most amazing thing is that they are passionate about Bisca as if it was their ‘own’, and the commitment and presence is contagious, so that everyone around them is getting better and provide far above level.

Else Pedersen

HR Manager, Bisca A/S

Rasmus WilhardtDanica’s Lean supporters who daily drives continuous improvement internally at Danica Pension, has just graduated to Six Sigma Yellow Belts. The need was clear: ‘We need a common understanding of when it would be beneficial with a more data-driven approach in our improvement work, and in some cases work specifically with DMAIC projects in our optimizations.’ Here is some of the feedback to the trainer: ‘good mood – and inclusion- regardless of one’s own level, ‘good at explaining – good empathy and good at handling things as they come’ ‘Want more – you really get through. Great to see” “A true Master”

Rasmus Wilhardt

Lean Manager, Danica Pension

Can we help you?

Call us on +45 3011 7141 or fill out the form below if you have any questions.

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