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Develop competencies in data driven process improvements?

Do you want to improve the quality in your organisation? Do you want to do better in problem solving? Let us help developing your competencies! You or your organisation decide speed and the way to do it. We develop you plan - and stick to it. But if reality change - we are also ready to change your plan and schedule. 


We are also able to help, if a specific training within certain topics, is needed in your organisation. Feel free to contact us for a more detailed dialogue.

Back in 2002 Storm was one of the pioneers in the country within Lean Six Sigma. We are proud to give you access to the most comprehensive Lean Six Sigma Training program in Denmark. We have professional trainers and are the total supplier in the field. At Storm - House of Six Sigma, you can be educated at all Lean Six Sigma levels.

You can participate in our open Lean Six Sigma education, in your company or get tailored our open Lean Six Sigma training programs for your internal needs and situation.

All the way through from project selection till certification you are going to be fully supported and guided in choosing the right decisions – without the expensive errors. We are here to support you.

Our Danish book about Six Sigma.

We have written a textbook about Six Sigma in Danish, that gives you a thorough and easy understanding of the Six Sigma method. We are proud of our book - so proud, that you can download the first chapter 'Six Sigma i et større perspektiv' for free.

The book is unfortunately sold out in book stores, but you can buy it as an iBook or one of the last copies directly from us.

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Storm – House of Six Sigma gives access to highly skilled and talented specialists who are trustful at any level in your organization ranging from production, specialist to management. No tasks are too small or too big, we are ready - in all of Denmark!

Are you curious, have any questions or something else, you are always welcome to contact us!

What do our customers say?

Else Pedersen

Bisca has worked closely together with Storm both in relation to Six Sigma and belts in all colors and in a large systematic effort to use acquired skills in practice. The latter has resulted in improvements in the millions. Storm has managed in the most exemplary way to adapt, challenge and raise the skills of employees at all levels. The most amazing thing is that they are passionate about Bisca as if it was their ‘own’, and the commitment and presence is contagious, so that everyone around them is getting better and provide far above level.

Else Pedersen

HR Manager, Bisca A/S
Bente Madsen

I have experienced Storm - House of Six Sigma as competent teachers, who not only teach but work with the method in everyday life. They show genuine interest in the course participants' projects, and you feel in good hands. And it is nice that it is possible to combine sparring between modules with the possibility of "just" using the house as a free space to sit and work so that you can focus on the project.

Bente Madsen

General Manager Business Applications, D/S Norden A/S
Dan Foldager Lean Six Sigma Black Belt

In connection with my Black Belt certification, I have through training and sparring been in contact with a number of amazing people in Storm, all with good humor, professionalism and the ability to see solutions as common denominator. If you are looking for a good and developing progress in the Six Sigma world, I can highly recommend Storm as a pathfinder.

Dan Foldager

Project Safety Manager Specialist, LEGO System A/S

It has been by far the best, most interesting and rewarding education I have ever been to. And then you have to thank for a fantastic course with good and genius teachers.

Christian Dreyer

AMA SAP EAM Drift & Udvikling, Copenhagen Airport

Can we help you?

Call us on +45 3011 7141 or fill out the form below if you have any questions.

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