About Storm - House of Six Sigma
Storm – House of Six Sigma is where we live and breathe the organization and management philosophy Lean Six Sigma. Our enthusiasm reflects on our courses and on our customers when we help them do their jobs a bit smarter. We are not advisors because our customers themselves have the most knowledge about their own business and reality. Instead, we offer “cheeky questions”, new glasses to see own reality – and of course the statistical analysis that one does not always have the time or opportunity to do.
Storm – House of Six Sigma has existed since 2002 when the company was founded by Ane. The company has undergone a significant development over the last 15 years. From a few Six Sigma enthusiasts with big dreams to a recognized Six Sigma house that has helped small and large, public and private organizations – in both production and service – to optimize their processes, solve complex problems and create lasting changes.

Storms employees - consultants with professional, theoretical and practical experience
And then there is us at Storm. People who has experienced a bit of everything. Humans and persons, who wish for an everyday life, that can be challenging and fun to go to work. But at the same time our workplace must to be able accommodate the individual personality – with all the facets, as we all contain.
The people at Storm can be divided into three groups. There is the outgoing. The outgoing is those you meet in the classroom, in your organisation and at events. Everyone of them is “partly brainwashed, infected and burned” with Lean Six Sigma in every way. Typically, academics with a long term education. With supplement of education and knowledge of Lean Six Sigma. All practitioners, who have experienced both downturns and upturns within improvements, change and complicated problem solving. Experienced encountered obstacles – even when thought “Everything is working”. And experienced that even the craziest idea, actually could work. The “outgoing” live for the academic challenges and to create competency development from processes, people and data driven performance. We are the House of Six Sigma.
The second group of people, you can find in the physical House of Six Sigma, they have completely different qualifications. They like to have the House full of guest and make them feel welcome and at home. They are at times more quiet – but just as committed in their profession. It is the love for service, the house and garden, that motivates this group. Everyone with a common wish to create a room and “become the room”. We are also able to do this at House of Six Sigma.
The third group is big and global. It is our network of collaborators, feedback groups and motivators. They come and go. Much of the dialogue is virtual, because at times we need to reach beyond the Danish border, if we need to find excellent e-learning, skilled software techs or Black Belt, who can teach at Portuguese.
No matter who you meet or talk to, you can expect, they have et sincere wish to help you and your corporation to achieve even better results – and give you a good experience in, at and with House of Six Sigma.
Who created Storm - House of Six Sigma? Listen to Anes story...
Storms culture and values - It must be fun to go to work
We do not only train, we create valuable change
We know that people learn best when they are ready for it. All our services are based on the fundamental understanding that we all learn differently, at different periods of time and that this learning must fit in with a very busy schedule in everyday life. That is why we offer highly flexible training courses, where you can control and shape your own Six Sigma development.
The most important thing for us is that you become able to apply your theoretical knowledge in practice. We do not only train, we truly want for you to create value for you and your company.
We do not only train, we create valuable change
We know that people learn best when they are ready for it. All our services are based on the fundamental understanding that we all learn differently, at different periods of time and that this learning must fit in with a very busy schedule in everyday life. That is why we offer highly flexible training courses, where you can control and shape your own Six Sigma development.
The most important thing for us is that you become able to apply your theoretical knowledge in practice. We do not only train, we truly want for you to create value for you and your company.
We dare to ‘go first’ to secure the sharpest Six Sigma house in Denmark
At Storm, we never compromise on our professionalism. We have Lean Six Sigma in our DNA, and we always strive to be the best at what we do. That also means daring to be creative, do things differently and take chances to create development.
We are constantly striving to be the greatest Six Sigma house in Denmark – and if you want to be in the top, you need to make challenging decisions and bring up discussions that ensure the best solutions for our customers. We are committed to keeping the professional moral high for our customers – in fact, we could not change this moral, even if we wanted to.
We hold on to our Storm Culture
“Being at work is fun” is something that all Storm employees can agree upon. We work with what we are passionate about with high independent responsibility and scope. Hand in hand with the responsibility is the freedom to plan the work so that it meets the customers’ needs, but also to make it fit into the individual Storm employee’s day to day planning.
Internally in Storm we have a very informal and creative environment. It builds on our commitment, empathy and fundamental view on reality – we see possibilities instead of limitations. New ideas are discussed and many of them are tried in reality. That way each individual is part of creating the future Storm – House of Six Sigma.
Storm - House of Six Sigma cooperations
At Storm, we are happy for all of our cooperations. In their own way, each of them contribute to giving you the best experience. Click the pictures to learn more about our cooperations.
NNE is an international company specialized in pharma engineering. Storm collaborates with NNE to deliver the best Six Sigma programs in the market. Where we at Storm have expertise in business areas ranging from service to production, NNE's expertise is specialized within pharmaceutical manufacturing. The cooperation enables broader customer understanding from several corporate cultures, which ensures better and more efficient training solutions tailored specific to the customer.
We are delighted to enter a strategic cooperation with the Global Consultant and advisement company Great Place to Work. Great Place to Works specializes in trust-based management, social capital and organizational development based on employee surveys. In this cooperation Storm delivers services in a number of specific areas that can naturally be brought into play in relation to Great Place to Works services. The cooperation involves a series of smaller courses and partly larger courses, where we together lift our customers' performance to new heights.
Tempus Serva delivers specialised IT solutions. Storm and Tempus Serva have developed a process management program, where you can easily and efficiently enter data and record your processes. The program has made it possible to go from paper drawing of processes directly to work interactively with the processes in the program. It creates a more flexible and efficient work with process optimization - even when the customer's own employees are to be trained.
Lean Akademiet is an educational and consulting company with expertise in the Lean-philosophy. Lean and Six Sigma have the tradition of being extremely well-complementing improvement philosophies in the work of Operational Excellence. Storm's cooperation with Lean Akademiet enables flexible consultancy and training courses with strong expertise in both Lean and Six Sigma.
InfinityQS is the world's leading provider of the statistical tool SPC (Statistical Process Control). In collaboration with InfinityQS, Storm offers the intelligent quality platform 'Enact', which simplifies and streamlines data collection, analysis and reporting in work processes. The goal is to reduce scrap and waste and improve the overall quality.
Game Change is one of Europe's leading international Lean Six Sigma consulting companies. Storm co-operates with Game Change on Blended Learning courses. Together, we can offer local Lean Six Sigma consultants globally and ensure insight into the Lean Six Sigma trends that are moving around the world.
Dansk Forening for Kvalitet (DFK – ‘Danish Association for Quality’) focuses on sharing knowledge and debates about all aspects of quality. Storm contributes to this collaboration through ongoing articles and presentations, in turn, DFK's work gives us insight into the issues and trends that affect the country's quality departments.
The Danish Society for Applied Statistics is working to spread and improve the knowledge of statistical methods in the Danish business community. Storm is in continuous dialogue with the association, and we are keeping ourselves up to date with the development in the statistical area. The cooperation helps us to stay sharp on statistic and the development here within.
IDA Process is part of Denmark's engineering association; a professional community focusing on technology at a high level. Storm holds so-called ‘go-home meetings’ and conferences for IDAs members to spread and improve the understanding of Six Sigma in the technical professional world. Our collaboration with IDA Proces gives us insight to the production and development area in Denmark.
MoreSteam is a company that supplies e-Learning and online tools. By including MoreSteam's e-Learning programs, Storm can offer visual and practice-based E-learning courses in Six Sigma with high levels of interactivity. The use of MoreSteam e-Learning offers Storm customers a flexible training experience with control over the pace of the learning.
OpusWorks® specializes in developing advanced learning solutions and tools for operational excellence and project management. In cooperation with OpusWorks®, we have developed tailor-made LEAN and Six Sigma courses - both e-Learning and Blended Learning. The collaboration supports Storm's vision of offering flexible education and training courses that fit into a busy everyday life. With OpusWorks®, we can build very short training runs - actually down to just a couple of hours of introduction - and it will still make a difference.
Lutz Tückmantel is a German advisor and consultant in Lean Six Sigma. Through our collaboration with Lutz, we offer German-language Lean Six Sigma courses and courses through Blended Learning, which supports our ambitions for flexible and international education and competency development. The collaboration also gives us insight into German Lean Six Sigma and Operational Excellence trends.